Harvard Physical/Interdisciplinary Ocean Science

Group Bibliography


In Preparation

[238] Predictive Skill, Predictive Capability and Predictability in Ocean Forecasting
Robinson, A.R., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley, Jr. and W.G. Leslie

[237] Advanced physical and interdisciplinary data assimilation via Error Subspace Statistical Estimation.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J., A.R. Robinson, P.J. Haley, Jr. and W.G. Leslie

[236] The use of data assimilation in coupled hydrodynamic, ecological and bio-geo-chemical models of the ocean. 33rd International Liege colloquium, May 2001.
Gregoire, M., P.F.J. Lermusiaux and P. Brasseur, (Guest Editors)

[235] Realtime Physical and Biological Data Assimilative Forecasts during Discovery Cruise 227, April - May 1997, Northeast Atlantic.
Anderson, L.A., P.J. Haley, Jr., A.R. Robinson and M. Srokosz

[234] Coupled 3D Physical and Biological Modelling of the Mesoscale Variability Observed in NEA in Spring 1997: I. Physical Processes.
Lozano, C.J., E.E. Popova, A.R. Robinson, M.J.R. Fasham, P.J. Haley and M.A. Srokosz


[233] 2002 - Coupled physical and biological data driven simulations of Massachusetts Bay in late summer: Real-time and post-cruise data assimilation. Special issue on "The use of data assimilation in coupled hydrodynamic, ecological and bio-geo-checmical models of the oceans", M. Gregoire, P.F.J. Lermusiaux and P. Brasseur (Editors), Journal of Marine Systems.
Besiktepe, S.T., P.F.J. Lermusiaux and A.R. Robinson

[232] 2002 - Environmental indicators and the predictability of commercial fish stocks, Part II: Evaluations using spacially explicit models. Fisheries Oceanography.
Sundermeyer, M.A., B.J. Rothschild and A.R. Robinson

[231] 2002 - Environmental indicators and the predictability of commercial fish stocks, Part I: An empirical approach using commercial landing data. Fisheries Oceanography.
Sundermeyer, M.A., B.J. Rothschild and A.R. Robinson

[230] 2002 - Progress in coastal ocean science and related applications.
Robinson, A.R.

[229] 2001- Real-time Forecasting of Synoptic Transients in the Eastern Ligurian Sea. Journal of Marine Systems.
Robinson, A.R., J. Sellschopp, W.G. Leslie, R. Onken, A. Alvarez, G. Baldasserini, P.J. Haley, Jr., P.J.F. Lermusiaux, C. J. Lozano, E. Nacini, R. Stoner and P. Zanasca
Also to appear in: Bovio, E., R. Tyce and H. Schmidt (Editors), Autonomous underwater vehicle and ocean modeling networks: GOATS 2000. Proceedings of a conference held in La Spezia, Italy, NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, SACLANTCEN Conference Proceedings Series CP-46.

[228] 2001 - Coupled 3D Physical and Biological Modelling of the Mesoscale Variability Observed in NEA in Spring 1997: II. Biological Processes. Deep-Sea Research.
Popova, E.E., C.J. Lozano, M.A. Srokosz, M.J.R. Fasham, P.J. Haley and A.R. Robinson

[227] 2000 - Feature Oriented Regional Modeling and Simulations (FORMS) in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. Continental Shelf Research.
Gangopadhyay, A., A.R. Robinson, P.J. Haley, W.G. Leslie, C.J. Lozano and J.J. Bisagni

In Press

[226] 2001 - Data-driven Simulations of Synoptic Circulation and Transports in the Tunisian-Sardinia-Sicily region. Journal of Geophysical Research.
Onken, R., A.R. Robinson, P.J. Haley, Jr., and L.A. Anderson


[225] 2002 - Four-dimensional data assimilation for coupled physical-acoustical fields. In "Acoustic Variability, 2002", N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (Editors), SACLANTCEN, Kluwer Academic Press, 417-424.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J. and C.-S. Chiu

[224] 2002 - Transfer of uncertainties through physical-acoustical-sonar end-to-end systems: A conceptual basis. In "Acoustic Variability, 2002", N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (Editors), SACLANTCEN, Kluwer Academic Press, 603-610.
Robinson, A.R., P. Abbot, P.F.J. Lermusiaux and L. Dillman

[223] 2002 - Feature Oriented Regional Modeling of Oceanic Fronts. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 36,201-232.
Gangopadhyay, A. and A.R. Robinson

[222] 2002 - On the Mapping of Multivariate Geophysical Fields: Sensitivities to Size, Scales and Dynamics. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology , 19, 1602-1637.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J.

[221] 2002 - Modeling Uncertainties in the Prediction of the Acoustic Wavefield in a Shelfbreak Environment. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, May 21-25, 2001, in "Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 2001", E.-C. Shang, Q. Li and T.F. Gao (Editors), World Scientific Publishing, 191-200.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J., C.-S. Chiu and A.R. Robinson

[220] 2002 - Visualizing scalar volumetric data with uncertainty. Computers and Graphics - UK, 26(2), 239-248.
Djurcilov, S., K. Kim, P.J.F. Lermusiaux and A. Pang

[219] 2002 - Rapid Assessment of the Coastal Ocean Environment. Ocean Forecasting: Conceptual Basis and Applications. N. Pinardi & J.D.Woods (Editors), Springer, 203-232.
Robinson, A.R and J. Sellschopp

[218] 2002 - Introduction - Biological-Physical Interactions in the Sea: Emergent Findings and New Directions. THE SEA: Volume 12: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Sea. (Robinson, A.R., J.J. McCarthy, and B.J. Rothschild, eds.), John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1-17.
McCarthy, J.J., A.R. Robinson and B.J. Rothschild.

[217] 2002 - THE SEA: Volume 12: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Sea.
Robinson, A.R., J.J. McCarthy, and B.J. Rothschild (Editors)

[216] 2002 - Data Assimilation for Modeling and Predicting Coupled Physical-Biological Interactions in the Sea. THE SEA: Volume 12: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Sea. (Robinson, A.R., J.J. McCarthy, and B.J. Rothschild, eds.), John Wiley and Sons, NY, 475-536.
A.R. Robinson and P.F.J. Lermusiaux

[215] 2001 - Assimilating near-real-time fisheries and environmental data into an advanced fisheries management information system (abstract), 2001 ICES AC Handbook, Annual Science Conference, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Oslo, 26-29 September 2001.
Brown, W.S., F.L. Bub, B. Rothschild, M. Sundermeyer, A. Gangopadhyay, R. Lane. A.R. Robinson and P.J. Haley, Jr.

[214] 2001 - Data Assimilation in Models. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 623-634, Academic Press Ltd., London.
Robinson, A.R. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux

[213] 2001 - Mediterranean Sea Circulation. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 1689-1706, Academic Press Ltd., London.
Robinson, A.R., A. Theocharis, A. Lascaratos and W.G. Leslie

[212] 2001 - On the Summer Mesoscale Variability of the Black Sea. Journal of Marine Research, 59, 475-515.
Besiktepe, S., C.J. Lozano and A.R. Robinson

[211] 2000 - Features of Dominant Mesoscale Variability, Circulation Patterns and Dynamics in the Strait of Sicily. Deep-Sea Research, 48, 1953-1997.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J. and A.R. Robinson

[210] 2001 - Volume Rendering Data with Uncertainty Information, in "Joint Eurographics - IEEE TVG Symposium on Visualizaztion," Springer-Verlag, 234-252 & 355-356.
Djurcilov, S., K. Kwansik, P.J.F. Lermusiaux and A. Pang

[209] 2001 - Evolving the Subspace of the Three-Dimensional Multiscale Ocean Variability: Massachusetts Bay. Journal of Marine Systems, 29, 385-422.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J.

[208] 2001 - The Development and Demonstration of an Advanced Fisheries Management Information System. American Meteorological Society, 186-190.
Robinson, A. R., B.J. Rothschild, W.G. Leslie, J.J. Bisagni, M.F. Borges, W.S. Brown, D. Cai, P. Fortier, A. Gangopadhyay, P.J. Haley, Jr., H.S. Kim, L. Lanerolle, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, C.J. Lozano, M.G. Miller, G. Strout and M.A. Sundermeyer.

[208] 2001 - Physical and Biological Modeling in the Gulf Stream Region, II: Physical and Biological Processes. Deep-Sea Research I, 48, 1139-1168.
Anderson, L.A. and A.R. Robinson

[206] 2000 - The Digital Ocean. Proceedings of Computer Graphics International, GCI 2000, Geneva, Switzerland., June 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 45-53.
Patrikalakis, N.M., S.L. Abrams, J.G. Bellingham, W. Cho, K.P. Mihanetzis, A.R. Robinson, H. Schmidt and P.C.H. Wariyapola.

[205] 2000 - Physical and Biological Modeling in the Gulf Stream Region: I. Data Assimilation Methodology. Deep-Sea Research, I(47), 1787-1827,
Anderson, L.A. and A.R. Robinson.

[204] 2000 - On the Mapping of Multivariate Geophysical Fields: Error and Variability Subspace Estimates. Q.J.R. Meteorol Soc., April B, 1387-1430,
Lermusiaux, P.F.J., D.G. Anderson and C.J. Lozano.

[203] 1999 - Interdisciplinary Ocean Science is Evolving and a Systems Approach is Essential. Journal of Marine Systems, 22, 231-239.
Robinson, A.R., J.J. McCarthy, and B.J. Rothschild.

[202] 1999 - Adaptive Sampling for Ocean Forecasting. Naval Research Reviews, 51(2), 28-38.
Robinson, A. R. and S.M. Glenn.

[201] 1999 - Realtime Forecasting of the Multidisciplinary Coastal Ocean with the Littoral Ocean Observing and Predicting System (LOOPS). Third Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, (3-5 Nov. 1999), New Orleans, LA. American Meteorological Society, 30- 135.
Robinson, Allan R.

[200] 1999 - Strait of Sicily Water Masses. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Special Issue in honor of Prof. A.R. Robinson, 29, 437-469.
Warn-Varnas, A., J. Sellschopp, P.J. Haley, Jr., W.G. Leslie and C.J. Lozano.

[199] 1999 - Estimation and Study of Mesoscale Variability in the Strait of Sicily. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Special Issue in honor of Prof. A.R. Robinson, 29, 255-303.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J.

[198] 1999 - Distributed Information and Computation in Scientific and Engineering Environments. D-Lib Magazine, The Magazine of Digital Library Research, (www.dlib.org) 5(4), April.
Patrikalakis, N.M., P.J. Fortier, Y. Ioannidis, C.N. Nikolaou, A.R. Robinson, J.R. Rossignac, A. Vinacua, and S.L. Abrams.

[197] 1999 - Influence of Physical Forcing on Microclouds of Dissolved Organic Matter and Nutrients in the Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research, 21(7), 1217-1230.
Rothschild, B.J., P.J. Haley, Jr. and D. Cai.

[196] 1999 - Chaotic Streamlines in a Steady Bounded Three-Dimensional Stokes Flows. Physica D, 130, 105-132.
Kroujiline, D. and H.A. Stone.

[195] 1999 - Progress in Ocean Science and Ocean Acoustics, Keynote Address, Theoretical and Computational Acoustics ’97 (Yu-Chiung Teng et al), 1 – 25 World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore.
Robinson, A.R. and C.J. Lozano.

[194] 1999 - The Atlantic Ionian Stream, — Special Issue — in Memory of Dr. Antonio Michelato. Journal of Marine Systems, 20 129-156.
Robinson, A.R., J. Sellschopp, A. Warn-Varnas, W.G. Leslie, C.J. Lozano, and P.J. Haley, Jr.

[193] 1999 - On the Theory of Advective Effects on Biological Dynamics in the Sea II: Localization, Light Limitation, and Nutrient Saturation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 455, 1813-1828.
Robinson, A.R.

[192] 1999 - Data Assimilation via Error Subspace Statistical Estimation, Part II: Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak Front Simulations, and ESSE Validation. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 127(8), 1408-1432.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J.

[191] 1999 - Data Assimilation via Error Subspace Statistical Estimation, Part I: Theory and Schemes. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 127(8), 1385-1407.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J. and A.R. Robinson.

[190] 1999 - Forecasting and Simulating Coastal Ocean Processes and Variabilities with the Harvard Ocean Prediction System in Coastal Ocean Prediction, (C.N.K. Mooers, editor), AGU Coastal and Estuarine Studies Series, 77-100, American Geophysical Union.
Robinson, A.R.

Also appeared in:

1997 - Rapid Environmental Assessment, SACLANTCEN Conference Proceedings Series CP-44, 187-198.
Robinson, A.R.

[189] 1999 - The "Mad Sea" Phenomenon in the Strait of Sicily, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 2210-2231.
Candela, J., S. Mazzola, C. Sammari, R. Limeburner, C.J. Lozano, B. Patti and A. Bonnano

[188] 1998 - Influence of Mesoscale Eddies on New Production in the Sargasso Sea, Nature, 394, 263-265.
McGillicuddy, Jr., D.J., A.R. Robinson, D.A. Siegel, H.W. Jannasch, R. Johnson, T.D. Dickey, J. McNeil, A.F. Michaels, and A.H. Knap.

[187] 1998 - THE SEA: The Global Coastal Ocean, Volume 11: Regional Studies and Syntheses. John Wiley and Sons, NY.
Robinson, A.R. and K.H. Brink, (Editors).

[186] 1998 - THE SEA: The Global Coastal Ocean, Volume 10: Processes and Methods. John Wiley and Sons, NY.
Brink, K.H. and A.R. Robinson, (Editors).

[185] 1998 - Data Assimilation. In THE SEA: The Global Coastal Ocean, Volume 10: Processes and Methods (K.H. Brink and A.R. Robinson, eds.), John Wiley and Sons, NY, 541-594.
Robinson, A.R., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, and N.Q. Sloan.

[184] 1998 - An Airborne Expendable Bathythermograph Survey of the South China Sea, May 1995. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 21637-21652.
Chu, P.C., C. Fan, C.J. Lozano and J.L. Kerling

[183] 1997 - On the Theory of Advective Effects on Biological Dynamics in the Sea. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, A, 453, 2,295-2,324.
Robinson, A.R.

[182] 1997 - Eddy-Induced Nutrient Supply and New Production in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research, 44(8), 1427-1450.
McGillicuddy, D.J. and A.R. Robinson.

[181] l997 - Interaction Between the Oceanic Mesoscale and the Surface Mixed Layer. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Volume 27, 549-574 — Special Issue — Prof. Richard Pfeffer.
McGillicuddy, D.J. and A.R. Robinson.

[180] 1997 - Circulation and Dynamics of the Western North Atlantic, I: Multi-Scale Feature Models. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 14, 1,314-1,332.
Gangopadhyay, A., A.R. Robinson, and H.G. Arango.

[179] 1997 - Circulation and Dynamics of the Western North Atlantic, II: Dynamics of Meanders and Rings. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 14, 1,333-1,351.
Robinson, A.R. and A. Gangopadhyay.

[178] 1997 - Circulation and Dynamics of the Western North Atlantic, III: Forecasting the Meanders and Rings. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 14, 1,352-1,365.
Gangopadhyay, A., and A.R. Robinson.

[177] 1997 - Error Subspace Data Assimilation Methods for Ocean Field Estimation: Theory, Validation and Applications. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Lermusiaux, P.F.J.

[176] 1996 - A Topographic-Rossby Mode Resonance over the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge. Journal of Physical Oceanograph, 26(12), 2,735-2,747.
Miller, A.J., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, and P.-M. Poulain.

[175] 1996 - Experiment in Eastern Mediterranean Probes Origin of Deep Water Masses. EOS 77 (32), 305, 311.
Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., A.R. Robinson, W. Roether, B. Manca, A. Bergamasco, S. Brenner, G. Civitarese, D. Georgopoulos, P.J. Haley, S. Kioroglou, H. Kontoyannis, N. Kress, M.A. Latif, W.G. Leslie, E. M. Ribera d'Alcala, I. Salihoglu, E. Sansone, and A. Theocharis.

[174] 1996 - Dynamics of a Shelf-Slope Front: Process Studies and Data-Driven Simulations in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Sloan, N.Q.

[173] 1996 - Real-Time Regional Forecasting. Modern Approaches to Data Assimilation in Ocean Modelling (P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, editor), Elsevier Oceanography Series, Elsevier Science, The Netherlands. 377–412.
Robinson, A.R., H.G. Arango, A. Warn-Varnas, W.G. Leslie, A.J. Miller, P.J. Haley, and C.J. Lozano.

[172] 1996 - Real-Time Operational Forecasting on Shipboard of the Iceland-Faeroe Frontal Variability. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 72 (2), 243–259.
Robinson, A.R., H.G. Arango, A.J. Miller, A. Warn-Varnas, P.-M. Poulain, and W.G. Leslie.

[171] 1996 - Physical Processes, Field Estimation and Interdisciplinary Ocean Modeling, Earth-Science Reviews 40, 3–54.
Robinson, A.R.

[170] 1996 - An Interdisciplinary Ocean Prediction System: Assimilation Strategies and Structured Data Models. Modern Approaches to Data Assimilation in Ocean Modelling (P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, editor), Elsevier Oceanography Series, Elsevier Science, The Netherlands. 413–452.
Lozano, C.J., A.R. Robinson, H.G. Arango, A. Gangopadhyay, N.Q. Sloan, P.J. Haley, and W.G. Leslie.

[169] 1996 - Dynamical Adjustment of Quasi-Synoptic Data Sets in the Eastern Mediterranean: Testing a Full Basin Coastal Methodology. Journal of Marine Systems, 7, 9–42.
Golnaraghi, M., C.J. Lozano, and A.R. Robinson.

[168] 1995 - Global ocean phosphate and oxygen simulations. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 9(4), 621-636.
Anderson, L.A. and J. L. Sarmiento.

[167] 1995 - Quantitative Skill of Quasigeostrophic Forecasts of a Baroclinically Unstable Iceland-Faeroe Front. Journal of Geophysical Research 100 (C6), 10833–10849.
Miller, A.J., P.-M. Poulain, A.R. Robinson, H.G. Arango, W.G. Leslie, and A. Warn-Varnas.

[166] 1995 - Quasigeostrophic Forecasting and Physical Processes of Iceland-Faeroes Frontal Variability. Journal of Physical Oceanography 25, 1273–1295.
Miller, A.J., H.G. Arango, A.R. Robinson, W.G. Leslie, P.-M. Poulain, and A. Warn-Varnas.

[165] 1995 - One Dimensional Numerical Simulation of New Primary Production: Lagrangian and Eulerian Formulations. Journal of Plankton Research 17(2), 405-412.
McGillicuddy, D.J.

[164] 1995 - Coupled Physical and Biological Modeling of the Spring Bloom in the North Atlantic, II: Three-Dimensional Bloom and Post-Bloom Effects. Deep-Sea Research I, 42(8), 1359–1398.
McGillicuddy, D.J., A.R. Robinson, and J.J. McCarthy.

[163] 1995 - Coupled Physical and Biological Modeling of the Spring Bloom in the North Atlantic, I: Model Formulation and One-Dimensional Bloom Processes. Deep-Sea Research I, 42(8), 1313–1357.
McGillicuddy, D.J., J.J. McCarthy, and A.R. Robinson.

[162] 1995 - Verification of an Operational Gulf Stream Forecasting Model. In Quantitative Skill Assessment for Coastal Ocean Models, Coastal and Estuarial Studies, American Geophysical Union, 47, 469–499.
Glenn, S.M. and A. R. Robinson.

[161] 1995 - The M2 Tide in the Mediterranean Sea: Dynamical Analysis and Data Assimilation. Oceanologica Acta, 18, 419-441.
Lozano, C.J. and J. Candela

[160] 1994 - Barotropic response of the Western Mediterranean to observed atmospheric pressure forcing. in The Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Western Mediterranean Sea (P.E. LaViolette, editor), 325-360.
Candela, J. and C.J. Lozano

[159] 1994 - Experiment Evaluates Ocean Models and Data Assimilation in the Gulf Stream (DAMEE). EOS, 75(34):385,391,394.
Willems, R.C., S.M. Glenn, M.F. Crowley, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, R.E. Young, T. Ezer, G.L. Mellor, H.G. Arango, A.R. Robinson, and C.-C. A. Lai.

[158] 1994 - Sensitivity Issues for Interfacing Mesoscale Ocean Prediction and Parabolic Acoustic Propagation Models. Oceanography and Acoustics: Prediction and Propagation Models (A.R. Robinson and D. Lee, Editors), American Inst. of Physics, New York, 133–160.
Siegmann, W.L., D. Lee, G. Botseas, and A.R. Robinson.

[157] 1994 - Ocean Variability, Acoustic Propagation and Coupled Models. Oceanography and Acoustics: Prediction and Propagation Models (A.R. Robinson and D. Lee, Editors), American Inst. of Physics, New York, 1–6.
Robinson, A.R. and D. Lee.

[156] 1994 - Oceanography and Acoustics: Prediction and Propagation Models. Edited and with an introduction by A.R. Robinson and D. Lee, 257 pp. American Inst. of Physics, New York.
Robinson, A.R. and D. Lee, (Editors).

[155] 1994 - The Physical and Dynamical Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Processes in Climate Dynamics: Global and Mediterranean Examples (P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and A.R. Robinson, Editors), Proceedings of NATO-ASI, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 255–306.
Robinson, A.R. and M. Golnaraghi.

[154] 1994 - A Dynamical System for Acoustic Applications. Oceanography and Acoustics: Prediction and Propagation Models (A.R. Robinson and D. Lee, Editors), American Inst. of Physics, New York, 80–117.
Robinson, A.R., J.C. Carman, and S.M. Glenn.

[153] 1994 - Vortices and Jets: Dynamics, Interactions and Forecasts. Modelling of Oceanic Vortices (G.J.F. van Heijst, editor), KNAW, North Holland, Elsevier, 1–15.
Robinson, A.R.

[152] 1994 - Vertical Projection of Sound Speed Profile and Its Effect on Ocean-Acoustic Models. Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Volume 2 (D. Lee and M.H. Schultz, Editors), World Scientific Publishing Co., 933–946.
Pourkaviani, M. and A.R. Robinson.

[151] 1994 - Ocean Processes in Climate Dynamics: Global and Mediterranean Examples. Proceedings of NATO-ASI, 437 pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Malanotte-Rizzoli, P. and A.R. Robinson, Editors.

[150] 1994 - Dynamical Studies of the Eastern Mediterranean Circulation. Ocean Processes in Climate Dynamics: Global and Mediterranean Examples (P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and A.R. Robinson, Editors), Proceedings of NATO-ASI, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 395–406.
Golnaraghi, M. and A.R. Robinson.

[149] 1994 - Oceanographic/Topographic Interactions on Acoustic Propagation in the Iceland-Faeroe Front Region. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 95(4): 1882–1894.
Carman, J.C. and A.R. Robinson

[148] 1994 - Oceanographic, Topographic and Sediment Interactions in Deep Water Acoustic Propagation: Part II, Gulf Stream Simulations. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 95(3): 1363–1377.
Carman, J.C. and A.R. Robinson.

[147] 1994 - Oceanographic, Topographic and Sediment Interactions in Deep Water Acoustic Propagation: Part I, Effect of Sediment Properties on Propagation Patterns within the Water Column. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 95(3): 1344–1362.
Carman, J.C.

[146] 1993 - A Coupled Surface Boundary Layer Quasigeostrophic Ocean Model. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 18(3–4): 151–208.
Walstad, L.J. and A.R. Robinson.

[145] 1993 - Mesoscale and Upper Ocean Variabilities during the 1989 JGOFS Bloom Study. Deep-Sea Research, 40(1–2): 9–35.
Robinson, A.R., D.J. McGillicuddy, J. Calman, H.W. Ducklow, M.J.R. Fasham, F.E. Hoge, W.G. Leslie, J.J. McCarthy, S. Podewski, D.L. Porter, G. Sauer, and J.A. Yoder.

[144] 1993 -. Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea — Special Issue — Deep-Sea Research, 40(6), 1332 pp. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Robinson, A.R. and P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, (Editors).

[143] 1993 - Circulation and Dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Quasi-Synoptic Data-Driven Simulations. Deep-Sea Research, 40(6): 1207–1246.
Robinson, A.R. and M. Golnaraghi.

[142] 1993 - Mediterranean and Global Ocean and Climate Dynamics. EOS 74(44): 506–507.
Robinson, A.R., C.J. Garrett, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, S. Manabe, S.G. Philander, N. Pinardi, W. Roether, F.A. Schott, and J. Shukla.

[141] 1993 - Marine Circulation: Global and Regional Impacts. Sistema Terra, 2(1): 35–36.
Robinson, A.R.

[140] 1993 - Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics and Biological Productivity. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
McGillicuddy, D.J.

[139] 1993 - Computational Acoustics. Volume 2: Acoustic Propagation, 457 pp. North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lee, D., A.R. Robinson, and R. Vichnevetsky, (Editors).

[138] 1993 - Computational Acoustics. Volume 1: Scattering, Supercomputing and Propagation, 456 pp. North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lau, R.L., D. Lee, and A.R. Robinson, (Editors).

[137] 1993 - Dynamical Studies of the Mersa Matruh Gyre: Intense Meander and Ring Formation Events. Deep-Sea Research, 40(6): 1247–1267.
Golnaraghi, M.

[136] 1993 - Circulation and Dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Golnaraghi, M.

[135] 1993 - Environmental Input Sensitivities of an Interfaced Ocean-Acoustic System. Computational Acoustics: Scattering, Supercomputing and Propagation: Volume 1 (R.L. Lau, D. Lee, and A.R. Robinson, Editors), North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 429–450.
Glenn, S.M. , W.L. Siegmann, D.Lee, G. Botseas, and A.R. Robinson.

[134] 1993 - Surface Duct and Range Dependence Effects on Acoustic Propagation in the North Atlantic Drift Region. Computational Acoustics: Scattering, Supercomputing and Propagation: Volume 1 (R.L. Lau, D. Lee, and A.R. Robinson, Editors), North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19–38.
Carman, J.C. and A.R. Robinson.

[133] 1992 - Progress in the Understanding of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Advances in Mediterranean Oceanography — Special Issue 11 — Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography, Monaco.
Robinson, A.R. and M. Golnaraghi.

[132] 1992 - General Circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean. Earth-Science Reviews, 32: 285–309.
Robinson, A.R., P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, A. Hecht, A. Michelato, W. Roether, A. Theocharis, U. Unluata, N. Pinardi, and the POEM Group.

[131] 1992 -. Shipboard Prediction with a Regional Forecast Model. The Oceanography Society Magazine, 5(1): 42–48.
Robinson, A.R

[130] 1992 - Consistent Baroclinic Quasigeostrophic Ocean Model in Multiply Connected Ocean Domains. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 34(1): 51–79.
Ozsoy, E., C.J. Lozano, and A.R. Robinson.

[129] 1992 - Structure and Dynamics of the Rhodes Gyre System, and Dynamical Interpolation for Estimates of the Mesoscale Variability. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22(4): 317–337.
Milliff, R.F. and A.R. Robinson.

[128] 1992 - A Test of the Parsons-Veronis Hypothesis on the Separation of the Gulf Stream. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22(11): 1286-1301.
Gangopadhyay, A., P. Cornillon, and D.R. Watts.

[127] 1992 - An Adjoint Method for Obtaining the Most Rapidly Growing Perturbation to Oceanic Flows. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22(4): 338–349.
Farrell, B.F. and A.M. Moore.

[126] 1992 - Radar Altimetry and Global Climatic Change. JHAPL Technical Digest (3), 431–444.
Dobson, E.D., F.M. Monaldo, D.L. Porter, A.R. Robinson, C.C. Kilgus, J. Goldhirsch, and S.M. Glenn.

[125] 1991 - The Eastern Mediterranean General Circulation: Features, Structure and Variability. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 15(3–5): 215–240.
Robinson, A.R., M. Golnaraghi, W.G. Leslie, A. Artegiani, A. Hecht, E. Lazzoni, A. Michelato, E. Sansone, A. Theocharis, and U. Unluata.

[124] 1991 - Environmental Sensitivity Studies with an Interfaced Ocean-Acoustics System. Ocean Variability and Acoustic Propagation (J.R. Potter and A. Warn-Varnas, Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 545–560
Robinson, A.R., S.M. Glenn, W.L. Siegmann, D. Lee, and G. Botseas.

[123] 1991 - GEOSAT: A U.S. Navy Spaceborne Altimeter. Oceanus, 33(4): 50–57.
Porter, D.L., S.M. Glenn, E.B. Dobson, and A.R. Robinson.

[122] 1991 - Data Assimilation in a Quasi-Geostrophic Open Ocean Model of the Gulf Stream Using the Adjoint Method. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 21(3): 398–427.
Moore, A.M.

[121] 1991 - Azimuthal Variation of Low Frequency Acoustic Propagation through Asymmetric Gulf Stream Eddies. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 89(5): 2157–2167.
Mellberg, L.E., A.R. Robinson, and G. Botseas.

[120] 1991 - The Mediterranean Sea — Special Issue — Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 15(3–5). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.
Malanotte-Rizzoli, P. and A.R. Robinson, (Editors).

[119] 1991 - A Synthetic Geoid Validation of Geosat Mesoscale Dynamic Topography in the Gulf Stream Region. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 96(64): 7145–7166.
Glenn, S.M., D.L. Porter, and A.R. Robinson.

[118] 1991 - Oceanographic and Topographic Interactions in Underwater Acoustic Propagation, with Regional Applications. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Carman, J.C.

[117] 1990 - Hindcasting and Forecasting of the POLYMODE Dataset with the Harvard Open Ocean Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 20(11): 1682–1702.
Walstad, L.J. and A.R. Robinson.

[116] 1990 - Regional Primitive Equation Studies of the Gulf Stream Meander and Ring Formation Region. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 20(7): 985–1016.
Spall, M.A. and A.R. Robinson.

[115] 1990 - Interfacing Mesoscale Ocean Prediction and Parabolic Acoustic Propagation Models. Computational Acoustics II (D. Lee, A. Cakmak, and R. Vichnevetsky, Editors), Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, 155–168.
Siegmann, W.L., M.L. Jacobson, D. Lee, G. Botseas, A.R. Robinson, and S.M. Glenn.

[114] 1990 - Gulf Stream Currents from Satellite Altimetry via a Synthetic Geoid Method. Science and Technology for a New Oceans Decade, Marine Technology Society, Conference Proceedings Volume 1, September 26–28, 233–238.
Robinson, A.R., D.L. Porter, and S.M. Glenn.

[113] 1990 -. A Modified Capacitance Matrix Method to Implement Coastal Boundaries in the Harvard Open Ocean Model. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 31(6): 541–564.
Milliff, R.F.

[112] 1990 - Modelled-Time Variability of Acoustic Propagation through a Gulf Stream Meander. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(3): 1044–1054.
Mellberg, L.E. , A.R. Robinson, and G. Botseas.

[111] 1990 - Contour Analysis: A New Approach for Melding Geophysical Fields. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 7(2): 285–295.
Mariano, A.J.

[110] 1990 - Nowcasting and Forecasting of Ocean Dynamic and Acoustic Fields. Computational Acoustics II (D. Lee, A. Cakmak, and R. Vichnevetsky, Editors), Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 117–128.
Glenn, S.M. and A.R. Robinson.

[109] 1989 - Point Vortices Embedded in Thin Jet Stream: A Model for Transition and Ring Formation Processes in the Gulf Stream. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Suri, A.K. and N. Pinardi.

[108] 1989 - Streamwise Vortices in Shear Flow Transition. Unpublished.
Suri, A.K. and F.H. Abernathy.

[107] 1989 - A New Open Ocean, Hybrid Coordinate Primitive Equation Model. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 31: 241–269.
Spall, M.A. and A.R. Robinson.

[106] 1989 - Regional Primitive Equation Modelling and Analysis of the POLYMODE Data Set. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 14(1–2): 125–174.
Spall, M.A.

[105] 1989 - Frontal Signals East of Iceland from the GEOSAT Altimeter. Geophysical Research Letters, 16(1): 77–80.
Robinson, A.R., L.J. Walstad, J. Calman, E.B. Dobson, D.W. Denbo, S.M. Glenn, D.L. Porter, and J. Goldhirsh.

[104] 1989 - Dynamics of Warm and Cold Ring Formation Processes: Real Data Based Case Studies in the Gulf Stream. Unpublished.
Robinson, A.R., A.K. Suri, and N. Pinardi.

[103] 1989 - Data Assimilation and Dynamical Interpolation in GULFCASTING Experiments. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 13(3–4): 301–316.
Robinson, A.R., M.A. Spall, L.J. Walstad, and W.G. Leslie.

[102] 1989 - The Synthetic Geoid and the Estimation of Mesoscale Absolute Topography from Altimeter Data. Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 10(4): 369–379.
Porter, D.L., A.R. Robinson, S.M. Glenn, and E.B. Dobson.

[101] 1989 - Progress in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Earth-Science Reviews, 26: 191–219.
Robinson, A.R.

[100] 1989 - Forecasting Gulf Stream Meanders and Rings. EOS, The Oceanography Report, 70(45):1464–1473.
Robinson, A.R., S.M. Glenn, M.A. Spall, L.J. Walstad, G.M. Gardner, and W.G. Leslie.

[99] 1989 - A Note on Consistent Quasigeostrophic Boundary Conditions in Partially Open, Simply and Multiply Connected Domains. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 14(1–2): 65–76.
Pinardi, N. and R.F. Milliff.

[98] 1989 - Quasigeostrophic Ocean Flows in Coastal Domains. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Milliff, R.F.

[97] 1989 -.Lagrangian Potential Vorticity Balance during POLYMODE. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19(7): 927–939.
Mariano, A.J. and H.T. Rossby.

[96] 1989 - On the Estimation of Mesoscale Vertical Derivatives of Potential Temperature and Density from Hydrographic Data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 6(6): 1013–1023.
Mariano, A.J.

[95] 1989 - Numerical Computations of Acoustic Propagation through Three-Dimensional Ocean Eddies. Numerical and Applied Mathematics (W.F. Ames, editor), J.C. Baltzer Scientific Publishing Co., Basel, 317–321.
Lee, D., G. Botseas, W.L. Siegmann, and A.R. Robinson.

[94] 1989 - Data Assimilation-Special Issue-Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 13(3–4). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.
Haidvogel, D.B. and A.R. Robinson, (Editors).

[93] 1989 - Synoptic Analysis and Dynamical Adjustment of GEOS–3 and Seasat Altimeter Eddy Fields in the Northwest Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 94(5): 6221–6230.
DeMey, P. and Y. Menard.

[92] 1988 - Regional Ocean Modelling: Primitive Equation and Quasigeostrophic Studies. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Spall, M.A.

[91] 1988 - Gulf Stream Simulations and the Dynamics of Ring and Meander Processes. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 18(12): 1811–1853.
Robinson, A.R., M.A. Spall, and N. Pinardi.

[90] 1988 - POEM : Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean. EOS, 69(14): 194–203.
Malanotte-Rizzoli, P. and A.R. Robinson.

[89] 1988 - Larval Fishes and Zooplankton in a Cyclonic Eddy in Hawaiian Waters. Journal of Plankton Research, 10(6): 1209–1223.
Lobel, P.S. and A.R. Robinson.

[88] 1988 - Currents, Water Masses, Eddies and Jets in the Mediterranean Levantine Basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 18(10): 1320–1353.
Hecht, A., N. Pinardi, and A.R. Robinson.

[87] 1987 - Modelling and Forecasting of Deep Ocean and Near Surface Mesoscale Eddies: Hindcasting and Forecasting with, and Coupling a Surface Boundary Layer Model to, the Harvard Quasigeostrophic Model. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Walstad, L.J.

[86] 1987 - Altimetric Data Assimilation for Ocean Dynamics and Forecasting. Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 8(2): 267–271.
Robinson, A.R. and L.J. Walstad.

[85] 1987 - The Harvard Open Ocean Model: Calibration and Application to Dynamical Process, Forecasting, and Data Assimilation Studies. Journal of Applied Numerical Mathematics, 3(1–2): 89–131.
Robinson, A.R. and L.J. Walstad.

[84] 1987 - Small Synoptic/Mesoscale Eddies: The Energetic Variability of the Eastern Levantine Basin. Nature, 327(6118): 131–134.
Robinson, A.R., A. Hecht, N. Pinardi, J. Bishop, W.G. Leslie, Y. Rosentraub, A.J. Mariano, and S. Brenner.

[83] 1987 - Predicting Open Ocean Currents, Fronts, and Eddies. Three-Dimensional Ocean Models of Marine and Estuarine Dynamics (J.C.J. Nihoul and B.M. Jamart, Editors), Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., Amsterdam, 89–112.
Robinson, A.R.

[82] 1987 - Dynamical Interpolation and Forecast Experiments of the Evolution of Mesoscale Features off Northern California. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17(18): 1190–1213.
Rienecker, M.M. , C.N.K. Mooers, and A.R. Robinson.

[81] 1987 - Dynamics of Deep Thermocline Jets in the POLYMODE Region. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17: 1163–1188.
Pinardi, N. and A.R. Robinson.

[80] 1987 - Assimilation of Altimeter Eddy Fields in a Limited Area Quasi-Geostrophic Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17(12): 2280–2293.
DeMey, P. and A.R. Robinson.

[79] 1987 - How Predictable are the Geostrophic Currents in the Recirculation Zone? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17(6): 751–762.
Carton, J.A.

[78] 1987 - Analysis Models for the Estimation of Oceanic Fields. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 4(1): 49–74.
Carter, E.F. and A.R. Robinson.

[77] 1986 - Dynamical Forecasting and Dynamical Interpolation: An Experiment in the California Current. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 16: 1561–1579.
Robinson, A.R., J.A. Carton, N. Pinardi, and C.N.K. Mooers.

[76] 1986 - Data Assimilation, Mesoscale Dynamics and Dynamical Forecasting. Advanced Physical Oceanographic Numerical Modelling, (J.J. O'Brien, editor), R. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 465–483.
Robinson, A.R.

[75] 1986 - Quasigeostrophic Energetics of Open Ocean Regions. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 10(3): 185–221.
Pinardi, N. and A.R. Robinson.

[74] 1986 - Transport and Entrapment of Fish Larvae by Ocean Eddies and Currents in Hawaiian Waters. Deep-Sea Research, 33(4): 483–500.
Lobel, P.S. and A.R. Robinson.

[73] 1986 - Modelling the Pole Tide and Its Effect on the Earth's Rotation. Geophysical Journal of the R.A.S., 84: 121–138.
Carton, J.A. and J.M. Wahr.

[72] 1986 - A Model for the Vertical Flux of Nitrogen in the Upper Ocean: Simulating the Alteration of Isotropic Ratios. Journal of Marine Research, 44: 203–225.
Altabet, M.A. A.R. Robinson, and L.J. Walstad.

[71] 1985 - Estimation of Baroclinic Quasi-Geostrophic Model Amplitudes from XBT/CTD Survey Data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2(4): 491–507.
Smith, J.A., C.N.K. Mooers, and A.R. Robinson.

[70] 1985 - A Cool Anomaly off Northern California: An Investigation Using IR Imagery and In Situ Data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C3): 4807–4818.
Rienecker, M.M., C.N.K. Mooers, D.E. Hagan, and A.R. Robinson.

[69] 1985 - Unity of Geophysics. Global Change, T.F. Malone and J.G. Roederer, Editors. Proceedings of a Symposium sponsored by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), 20th General Assembly, Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 25, 1984. Cambridge Press, England.
Robinson, A.R.

[68] 1985 - Estimation and Prediction of Oceanic Fields. Progress in Oceanography, 14: 485–510.
Robinson, A.R. and W.G. Leslie.

[67] 1985 - Quasigeostrophic Energetics and Oceanic Mesoscale Dynamics. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Pinardi, N.

[66] 1984 - A Real-Time Dynamical Forecast of Ocean Synoptic/Mesoscale Eddies. Nature, 309(5971): 781–783.
Robinson, A.R., J.A. Carton, C.N.K. Mooers, L.J. Walstad, E.F. Carter, M.M. Rienecker, J.A. Smith, and W.G. Leslie.

[65] 1984 - Turbulent Jets and Eddies in the California Current and Inferred Cross-Shore Transports. Science, 223: 51–53.
Mooers, C.N.K. and A.R. Robinson.

[64] 1984 - Dynamical Forecast Experiments with a Baroclinic Quasigeostrophic Open Ocean Model. Proceedings of Conference on Predictability of Fluid Motions, G. Holloway and B. West, Editors. American Inst. of Physics, AIP Proceedings No. 106. New York.
Miller, R.N. and A.R. Robinson.

[63] 1984 - On the Time-Dependent Meandering of a Thin Jet. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 14(2): 412–423.
Flierl, G. and A.R. Robinson.

[62] 1983 - A Study of the Variability of Ocean Currents in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean Using Satellite Altimetry. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13(4): 565–585.
Robinson, A.R., N.E. Huang, C.D. Leitao, and C.G. Parra.

[61] 1983 - Eddies in Marine Science (Edited and with an Introduction by
A.R. Robinson), 609 pp., Springer-Verlag, New York/Heidelberg.
Robinson, A.R., (editor).

[60] 1983 - A Baroclinic Quasigeostrophic Open Ocean Model. Journal of Computational Physics, 50(1): 38–70.
Miller, R.N., A.R. Robinson, and D.B. Haidvogel.

[59] 1983 - Eddy-Induced Dispersion and Mixing. Eddies in Marine Science (A.R. Robinson, Editor), Springer-Verlag, New York/Heidelberg, 481–489.
Haidvogel, D.B., A.R. Robinson, and C. Rooth.

[58] 1983 - The Statistics and Dynamics of Ocean Eddies. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Carter, E.F., Jr.

[57] 1982 - Dynamics of Ocean Currents and Circulation: Results of POLYMODE and Related Investigations. Topics in Ocean Physics (A. Osborne and P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, Editors), Elsevier Science Publishers, New York,. Soc. Italiana di Fisica, Bologna.
Robinson, A.R.

[56] 1980 - Response of the Surface Mixed Layer to Quasi-Geostrophic Oceanic Motions. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Stevenson, J.W.

[55] 1980 - A New Dimension in Physical Oceanography. Oceanus, 23(1): 40–52.
Robinson, A.R. and W.J. Simmons.

[54] 1980 - Dynamical Forecast Experiments with a Barotropic Open Ocean Model.
Robinson, A.R. and D.B. Haidvogel.

[53] 1980 - The Accuracy, Efficiency, and Stability of Three Numerical Models with Application to Open Ocean Problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 34(1): 1–53.
Haidvogel, D.B., A.R. Robinson, and E.E. Schulman.

[52] 1979 - Mesoscale Eddies and General Ocean Circulation Models. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 3(2–4): 143–180.
Robinson, A.R., D.E. Harrison, and D.B. Haidvogel.

[51] 1979 - Ocean Models and Climate Models, Volume 3(2–4) of Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.
Robinson, A.R. and D.J. Baker, (Editors).

[50] 1979 - The Mid Ocean Dynamics Experiment. Deep-Sea Research, 25: 859–910.
Robinson, A.R. with the MODE Group.

[49] 1979 - Boundary Forced Planetary Waves: A Simple Model Mid-Ocean Response to Strong Current Variability. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 9(5): 919–929.
Harrison, E.D. and A.R. Robinson.

[48] 1978 - Energy Analysis of Open Regions of Turbulent Flows: Mean Eddy Energetics of a Numerical Ocean Circulation Experiment. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 2: 185–211.
Harrison, D.E. and A.R. Robinson.

[47] 1978 - Boundary Layers in Homogenous-Rotating Fluids. Boundary Layers in Homogenous and Stratified-Rotating Fluids, The University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 1–68. (Notes on Lectures by
A.R. Robinson and V. Barcilon.).
Fein, J.S.

[46] 1977 - Eddies and the General Circulation of an Idealized Gyre: A Wind and Thermally Driven Primitive Equation Numerical Experiment. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17(2): 182–207.
Robinson, A.R., D.E. Harrison, A.J. Semtner, and Y. Mintz.

[45] 1977 - XBT Measurements of Thermal Gradients in the MODE Eddy. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 7(2): 300–302.
Flierl, G. and A.R. Robinson.

[44] 1976 - Dynamics of Kuroshio Current. Bruun Memorial Lecture, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO), Technical Series.
Robinson, A.R.

[43] 1976 - Numerical Modelling and Global Forecasting. Science Technology and the Modern Navy, Office of Naval Research, 30th Anniversary Volume, 480–496.
Robinson, A.R.

[42] 1976 - Eddies and Ocean Circulation. Oceanus, 19(3): 2–25.
Robinson, A.R.

[41] 1975 - On the Theory of Thin Rotating Jets: A Quasi-Geostrophic Time-Dependent Model. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 6(3): 211–214.
Robinson, A.R., J.R. Luyten, and G. Flierl.

[40] 1975 - Variability of Ocean Currents. Technical Report 13(3), AGU. AGU Quadrennial Report, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics.
Robinson, A.R.

[39] 1974 - A Generalized Cyclic Reduction Algorithm. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 11(3): 506–520, June.
Sweet, R.

[38] 1974 - The Baroclinic Instability of the Open Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 4(3): 281–294.
Robinson, A.R. and J.C. McWilliams.

[37] 1974 - Transient Gulf Stream Meandering, Part II: Analysis via a Quasi-Geostrophic Time-Dependent Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 4(2): 256–269.
Robinson, A.R., J.R. Luyten, and F.C. Fuglister.

[36] 1974 - Transient Gulf Stream Meandering, Part I: An Observational Experiment. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 4(2): 237–255.
Robinson, A.R., J.R. Luyten, and F.C. Fuglister.

[35] 1974 - Conclusions: Where Do We Go from Here. Numerical Models of Ocean Circulation. NAS, Washington, DC, Durham Symposium.
Robinson, A.R.

[34] 1974 - Wave Analysis of the Polygon Array in the Tropical Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research, 21(5): 359–368.
McWilliams, J.C. and A.R. Robinson.

[33] 1973 - Current Path and Bottom Velocity of the Kuroshio. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 3(3): 347–350.
Taft, B.A., A.R. Robinson, and Jr. W.J. Schmitz.

[32] 1972 - Flooding of Venice. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 99(422): 688–692, (London).
Robinson, A.R., A. Tomasin, and A. Artegiani.

[31] 1972 - A Numerical Experiment for the Path of the Kuroshio. Journal of Marine Research, 30(1): 65–99.
Robinson, A.R. and B.A. Taft.

[30] 1972 - Deadly Surges in the Bay of Bengal Dynamics and Storm-Tide Tables. Nature, 239(5369): 312–315.
Flierl, G. and A.R. Robinson.

[29] 1971 - East Australian Current. Journal of Marine Research, 29(3): 256–280.
Godfrey, J.S. and A.R. Robinson.

[28] 1970 - Bottom Velocity Observations Directly under the Gulf Stream. Science, 170: 1192–1194.
Schmitz, W.J., Jr. , A.R. Robinson, and F.C. Fuglister.

[27] 1970 - Time-Dependent Topographic Meandering. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 1(4): 412–438.
Robinson, A.R. and S. Gadgil.

[26] 1970 - The Gulf Stream. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, (London) Discussion Meeting on Ocean Currents and Their Dynamics.
Robinson, A.R.

[25] 1970 - Boundary Layers in Ocean Circulation Models. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, (Annual Review, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.).
Robinson, A.R.

[24] 1969 - A Numerical Method for the Study of the Circulation of the World Ocean. Journal of Computational Physics, 4: 347–376.
Bryan, K.A.

[23] 1969 - A Laboratory Model for the General Ocean Circulation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A(265): 533–566, (London).
Baker, D.J. and A.R. Robinson.

[22] 1968 - On the Existence and Structure of Inertial Boundary Currents in a Stratified Ocean. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 32(3): 569–607.
Robinson, A.R. and S.L. Spiegel.

[21] 1967 - The Theory of Free Inertial Currents: I. Path and Structure. Tellus, 19(2): 179–291.
Robinson, A.R. and P.P. Niiler.

[20] 1967 - The Theory of Free Inertial Jets: II. A Numerical Experiment for the Path of the Gulf Stream. Tellus, 19(4): 601–619.
Niiler, P.P. and A.R. Robinson.

[19] 1966 - An Investigation into the Wind as a Cause of Equatorial Undercurrent. Journal of Marine Research, 24: 179–204.
Robinson, A.R.

[18] 1966 - Discussion of the Deep Circulation of the Atmosphere of Venus. Astrophysical Journal, 146(2): 335–339.
Goody, R.M. and A.R. Robinson.

[17] 1965 - A Three-Dimensional Model of Inertial Currents in a Variable-Density Ocean. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 21(2): 211–223.
Robinson, A.R.

[16] 1965 - Oceanography. Frontiers in Fluid Dynamics, Chapter 17 (Seeger and Temple, Editors), 540–533.
Robinson, A.R.

[15] 1965 - On Thermally Maintained Circulation in a Closed Ocean Basin. Journal of Marine Research, 23(3): 222–230.
Niiler, P.P., A.R. Robinson, and S.L. Spiegel.

[14] 1964 - On the Arbitrary Suppression of Vertical Motion in Wind-Driven Oceanic Models. Journal of Marine Research, 22(2): 168–174.
Robinson, A.R.

[13] 1964 - Continental Shelf Waves and the Response of Sea Level to Weather Systems. Journal of Geophysical Research, 69(2): 367–368.
Robinson, A.R.

[12] 1963 - Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation. Blaisdell, New York.
Robinson, A.R., (editor).

[11] 1963 - Thermal Circulation on a Rotating Sphere With Application to the Oceanic Thermocline. Journal of Marine Research, 21(1): 15–38.
Robinson, A.R. and P. Welander.

[10] 1962 - The Instability of a Thermal Ocean Circulation. Journal of Marine Research, 20(3): 189–200.
Robinson, A.R.

[9] 1962 – On the Theory of Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 12(1): 49-80.
Carrier, G.F. and A.R. Robinson.

[8] 1961 – Heat Flux from the Ocean Bed Produced by Dissipation of the Tides. Deep-Sea Research, 8:275-278.
Stewart. R.W., G.F. Carrier, A.R. Robinson, and H. Stommel.

[7] 1961 - Unsteady Flow in an Inertial Ocean Mode, Proceedings of the Symposium on Mathematics. Hydrodynamical Methods of Physical Oceanography, 75–89.
Robinson, A.R.

[6] 1960 - On Two-Dimensional Inertial Flow in a Rotating Stratified Fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 9(3): 321-322.
Robinson, A.R.

[5] 1960 - The General Thermal Circulation in Equatorial Regions. Deep-Sea Research, 6: 11-317.
Robinson, A.R.

[4] 1959 - The Oceanic Thermocline. Tellus, 3: 295–308.
Robinson, A.R. and H. Stommel.

[3] 1959 - Amplification of Transient Response of the Ocean to Storms by the Effect of Bottom Topography. Deep-Sea Research, 5: 312-324.
Robinson, A.R. and H. Stommel.

[2] 1959 - The Symmetric State of a Rotating Fluid Differentially Heated in the Horizontal. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 6: 355-620.
Robinson, A.R.

[1] 1959 - Original Quantization of Thomson's Atomic Model. American Journal of Physics, 27(5):255.
Robinson, A.R.